The three fastest ways to get your business moving were suggested by the Amazon Agency Experts at KTG Solutions

Starting an Amazon business is always exciting. But when you start to scale up, things really start to become interesting.

Focusing your attention on the few stages that matter the most is frequently the key to developing the forward momentum you need to succeed.

We’ve seen blog posts that outline the 10, 15, or 20 stages required to succeed in eCommerce.

We believed that it may be easier than that.

We were interested in learning if there was a more specific, simpler-to-use list that would aid Amazon sellers of all skill levels in gaining momentum in this increasingly competitive market.

Here they are:

1.Using long-tail keywords can help you focus on less competitive niches.

A search for a product to sell is often the first step in selling on Amazon. Other people might have a concept for a product, but they need to know how to make sure that potential customers can find it.

Keyword research can help with it.

When searching for a product, consumers use long tail keywords, which are multi-word phrases. Less than single words or shorter sentences are looked for. As a response, they provide narrower findings for more specialized products, which frequently results in higher conversion rates.

Imagine you’re trying to find an Amazon FBA item to sell. Finding a product that fills a more constrained, competitive niche is what most online selling experts advise doing.

Alternately, you may be attempting to optimize your Amazon listing in order to prevent customers who are seeking for a product similar to yours from getting bored of their search and either giving up or purchasing something they don’t truly desire. Utilize this form of Amazon SEO if you want your Amazon store to stand out from the competition.

A short tail term like “computer stand,” for example, would produce a large number of results, as well as a lot of competition for vendors and confusion for customers.

Instead, using a long tail keyword search term like “sustainable wooden computer stand with drawer” in your Amazon marketing strategy will let you focus on a more specific market or make it easier for customers to find what they need.

We were able to have a deeper look at the following Amazon product using Helium 10’s Xray keyword-research Chrome extension. We’ve been looking for a small flashlight to put in our car’s emergency kit.


The top-ranking long-tail keyword phrases we discovered are listed below. We might have missed “lumens” as a keyword if we hadn’t taken the time to do this research. However, it appears that we are not the only one who are considering road safety.

2.Make your listings stand out by optimizing them.

When was the last time you did an online search and continued past the first page?

When we don’t find what we’re looking for, we assume right away that our keywords aren’t good enough and modify our request.

The most of Amazon users simply don’t click past page one of the search results. You must format your product listing as an Amazon seller in order to appear as high as possible in the search results.

The term “Amazon listing optimization” relates to this.

We will begin by looking at product images because that is what a customer does right away.

Here is a concise list of the rules that apply to Amazon images and which are most frequently flagged by Amazon as being out of compliance.
  • The image must be the product’s cover art or a qualified photograph. No product illustrations or drawings are permitted.
  • The image must not include additional or unclear objects.
  • The picture must have realistic color, clear edges, and excellent lighting when being photographed or scanned.
  • Each product should take up at least 85% of the image frame.
  • The whole item has to fit in the frame.
  • White background is required.
Lifestyle Photography Brings the Product to Life!

Lifestyle images that evoke strong emotions demonstrate how the product is used. They help customers in visualizing how they would use a product in their home or place of business.


Use infographics whenever possible.

The most crucial selling features of your product are illustrated in infographics. They could include of details like the product’s dimensions, attributes, certifications, accoutrements, and usage directions.

Keep in Mind the Power of Video

Nothing performs as well as video, according to digital marketing experts and Amazon firms, in terms of stopping scrolling. It’s an excellent method to advertise your goods, boost sales, and stand out on Amazon.

You must first create an Amazon Brand Registry. Following that, you can benefit from Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content. It’s a premium Amazon service that enables sellers to add visual information, such as video, to their product descriptions.

Here is a complete list of Amazon’s image specifications.

Here is a checklist you can use to make sure your written text is as strong as your visuals now that you have the Amazon shopper’s attention. The listing copy should be checked for simple grammatical and spelling mistakes as your first step.

When creating your listing title, follow by these rules:
  • Don’t ignore Amazon customers who use their smartphones. Because of space limitations, your title will be shortened. Make sure to start your titles with your primary keywords.
  • Make careful not to “keyword stuff,” even though you want to be sure to include three or four of your best keywords.
  • Include the name of your band in the title. It’s crucial to start building brand recognition and confidence.

The following rules should be followed when creating your bullet points:

  • It’s a good idea to start off by summarizing each bullet point in capital letters and/or bold type. By doing this, you enable your customers to scan the listing quickly.
  • In the copy of your bullet points, you should be sure to use the most of your medium and high search volume long tail keywords.
  • Spend some time outlining the features of your product. Consider the shopper’s perspective and prepare for any inquiries they may have.

To find out the concerns that potential buyers have and to gain a better understanding of the aspects of the product that they liked, use customer reviews for related products. In your own listings, you might highlight comparable characteristics in this way.

3.Pay close attention to your PPC

It’s impossible to talk to an eCommerce seller for more than a few minutes without the topic of PPC (Pay per Click) advertising coming up.

PPC used to be “only” “one” of the methods” by which Amazon sellers launched their products. It’s a requirement right now.

What is Amazon PPC, exactly?

You should choose relevant, short- and long-tail keywords, like we described in the section on keywords above. You will not be alone, unfortunately. To differentiate themselves and be found on Amazon, other sellers will use some of the same search terms.

Because of this, Amazon’s (very profitable) business strategy involves paying for certain keywords(based on their popularity with buyers). Then, if a seller has successfully placed a bid for that keyword, charge sellers a fee when a customer clicks on an advertisement that uses a relevant keyword while performing an Amazon search.

This is known as pay-per-click.

Four Strategies for Increasing Amazon’s Advertising Potential
  • Amazon Sponsored Product advertising allow sellers to advertise specific products and are keyword-targeted. On product detail pages and search results pages, sponsored advertisements appear. It is possible to focus your search term in a variety of ways within sponsored products. Automatic targeting and manual targeting are two of these ways. Amazon’s algorithm is used to decide the approach in an automatic targeting advertisement. a customized, effective manual targeted advertisement.
  • The keyword-targeted advertisements known as Amazon Sponsored Brand ads (formerly known as Headline Search Ads) include a brand logo or product image, a personalized headline, and up to three products. These ads, which are exclusively available to Brand Registered sellers, are displayed above all search results to significantly raise a brand’s profile and discoverability.
  • Sponsored Display advertising, which display both on and outside of Amazon, assist sellers in reaching their intended customers. Sponsored Display Ads, according to Amazon, are “a self-service advertising solution that allows advertisers the flexibility to develop display ad campaigns and swiftly reach relevant audiences.”
  • Amazon Stores are unique, independent pages on Amazon that help particular brands in showcasing their products and sharing their brand story. By using sponsored brand advertisements, you may direct people to stores. They are free to use and don’t require any previous website experience.

Reach out to a full-service Amazon brand management agency like KTG Solutions to take your eCommerce business to the next level and boost your Amazon sales right away.

Take a moment to go through a few of these Amazon seller tales and case studies to get an idea of what a full service Amazon agency like KTG Solutions can achieve for you.