Several agencies will claim that working together is the greatest method for your ecommerce brand to develop on Amazon. Finding the ideal fit can be challenging with an increasing number of Amazon agencies competing for your business. Each will take a different position, making it difficult to distinguish between what you require from an Amazon partner and what would be wonderful to have.
It takes time to onboard with an agency and navigate Amazon’s dynamic environment, so picking the proper partner is essential.
Knowing the characteristics of a solid Amazon partner can help you feel confident in your choice. The top three factors to think about when choosing yours are listed below.
An agency’s level of expertise
The level of Amazon expertise of an agency is crucial.
The expert on your brand is you. Your Amazon partner should be an expert in selling your products on the marketplace. The difference between a possible partner and a digital marketing agency for ecommerce brands is a crucial one to consider. They are really different from one other. The following are some notable benefits of working with an agency that specializes in Amazon:
- A deeper understanding of Amazon’s ins and outs, including revisions to policies, restricted categories, stock limitations, Amazon Launchpad, etc.
- A connection with Amazon representatives in marketing and product, as well as ideally a connection with the case management team.
- Customer reviews get the attention they deserve.
- Specially designed marketing plans are developed for Amazon.
- A team’s in place to fight and win cases versus Amazon.
- Highest revenue from paid media on Amazon.
- Improved management and forecasting of inventories.
Starting to live and breathe Amazon while also managing your brand is unrealistic. Because of their knowledge, an agency that specializes in Amazon can help you expand your brand there while you keep your attention on Amazon’s workings. It enables both parties to enhance what is most important: your bottom line.
An agency’s business model
It is concerning when an Amazon partner depends on outside funding to support ongoing operations. This suggests the organization could not be financially solid and might lay off employees at any time.
As long as they employ investment properly, an agency is not immediately excluded. A positive sign is when a potential Amazon partner invests in developing new software, competences, etc. It shows that rather than relying on the investment to work, they are looking for methods to advance.
It is reasonable to request a business model and profit-assurance explanation from an agency. Since they’re going to be helping you build your brand on Amazon, open communication is a requirement.
You should keep in mind at this point that the agency you select will become your Amazon partner. Preferably, you’ll want to continue working with them in the future. How then can you decide whether an agency is deserving of your business? Before making a choice, have the following in mind.
The best partners get to know your business.
Only if an agency is aware of the objectives, demands, and difficulties facing your brand can it develop a strategic plan of action. Instead of just telling you what you want to hear, a certified Amazon partner will probe you about your company to make sure that both parties are on the same page.
An agency will inquire about your financials as part of its due diligence on your company. They should respect your money as if it were their own because you will be partners. They become more invested in building your brand on Amazon when they treat your money as if it were their own.
Strong communication skills
Communication is key in every relationship, including the one you have with Amazon. A competent agency will make clear to you how they’ll communicate outcomes, updates, etc.
If a potential Amazon partner will present you to the full staff, that’s another sign of good communication. It takes the collaboration of several departments to increase your brand’s Amazon presence. Getting to know each expert personally and discovering who is in charge of what enables you and their team to communicate effectively.
If you don’t have faith in an agency’s communication, it’s probably advisable to move on to the next one in your search.
Watch out for promises
Being suspicious when a significant boost in sales is immediately promised is understandable. An agency is simply selling you a line if no comprehensive exploration and planning procedure is carried out. In this business, nothing is guaranteed, especially when one side hasn’t done their research.
Payment structure
Commission-based organizations most likely have flaws. One might not be giving you the assistance you need to expand your Amazon business. Another possibility is that they outsource all or part of their duties without checking on how they are managed.
On the other hand, a company that charges by the hour delivers better work and is more open about how they’re expanding your brand on Amazon. This payment structure also aids with financial planning. Your Amazon partner will work for you for the number of hours you specify, and you will know exactly how much you pay them. This kind of financial knowledge enables you to run your company more effectively.
Existing connections
Your success on the market will depend on a variety of factors, not only the relationship you have with your potential Amazon partner. Amazon is a unique creature. Knowledge and insight are needed to understand certain policies, constraints, processes, and more. Since an agency already has a connection to the market, they can better navigate them. When your Amazon partner has access to an insider, getting information and resolving issues becomes more effective.
Selecting an agency should be an informed decision
Your Amazon partner must meet your brand’s unique needs and align with your goals. Properly evaluating the agency you’re in talks with requires confirming their level of expertise, understanding their business model, and feeling confident in building a relationship with them.
Gathering as much information as possible empowers you to make a more informed decision, which can lead to you running a successful brand on Amazon.
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