Amazon is a platform that is intensely focused on the needs of its users and a powerful e-commerce search engine. Customers will have the best shopping experience possible thanks to this combination. However, it becomes complicated for sellers and marketers who are seeking to optimize their Amazon product pages.

Your business depends on the success of your Amazon product pages. However, improving your Amazon product page necessitates striking a fine balance between readability focused on benefits and SEO optimization.

How Has the Optimization of Amazon Product Pages Changed?

The main line of communication between buyers and sellers is an Amazon product page. Your objective is to convince customers to purchase your product by designing an attractive product page.

Because of this, you must make it as simple as possible for them to comprehend your offering. Because if a customer finds your product page frustrating, they will simply go on the listing of a competitor, and you will lose the business.

Today, there are other goals for product page SEO besides turning a shopper into a buyer. Additionally, it’s about getting to know the customer and giving them a distinctive buying experience.

In light of this, it is no longer effective to sell your product using keywords like “the best product” or “most inventive product,” etc. Customers increasingly demand that retailers live up to their product claims by meeting or exceeding their expectations.

How Can We Teach Our Clients To Pay Attention To Their Amazon Product Listings?

One of the most frequent mistakes you’ll encounter on your clients’ Amazon listings is keyword stuffing. The majority of merchants get starry-eyed over popular keywords and attempt to include all of them on the product page. However, they fail to consider consumer intent, a crucial component of keyword optimization.

Product research keywords constitute the majority of high-volume keywords. Most likely, customers who use these terms are still conducting initial product research. Therefore, even if these keywords receive a lot of searches, their conversion rates will be poor. Unfortunately, rather than using low-volume, buyer-intent keywords, most merchants opt to include these to their product pages.

Prevent keyword stuffing by selecting high search volume keywords.


This is best illustrated by someone who is selling muslin baby swaddles. Although “Muslin baby swaddle for infants” doesn’t have a lot of searches, it would be a term with buyer intent. When conducting keyword research, the seller will discover that while “baby shower present” has a much larger search traffic than their own product-specific phrase, it does not convert well.

What Are Some Ways to Remove Keyword Stuffing from Amazon Product Pages?

Recognizing what defines an issue is the first step in eliminating keyword stuffing on Amazon product pages. The use of a common root word repeatedly and improper keyword placement are both examples of keyword stuffing.

Repeating the same root keyword in following long phrases is the most common form of keyword stuffing on Amazon product pages. For a root keyword like “gift,” you might observe a number of long-tail keywords scattered across the product page, such as “Halloween gift ideas,” “Best mothers’ day present,” and “Christmas gift idea.” Avoid doing this.

Unnatural keyword placement in Amazon product pages is another sort of keyword stuffing. The readability and sentence structure of your listing shouldn’t be impacted by natural sources keywords. Your listing copy generally contains too many keywords if it doesn’t flow smoothly. Steer clear of forced readability.

We usually take a two-pronged approach to fixing keyword stuffing: control customer expectations and think about sentence readability.

Managing client expectations

You should make sure that your client is aware of and agrees with the possibility that you may need to modify their listing as an Amazon PPC advertising.

Working with someone who is new to Amazon selling may lead them to believe that a keyword with a large search volume is a good keyword. They need to know that you might need to replace out some terms with high search volume for keywords with lower search volume but higher buyer intent.

Think about sentence readability

Not every keyword is created equally. You should move your keyword to the back-end section of your listing if it interferes with the reader’s ability to understand your copy.

The utilization of long-tail keywords is another factor to take into account. If a long-tail keyword comprises five words, using it would have resulted in the addition of five distinct keywords. As long as they relate to the product and don’t make the listing harder to read, you can include more long-tail keywords.

How Should An Amazon Product Listing Be Organized For Clarity?

Our observations show that when sellers attempt to list all the characteristics and advantages of their product, the bullet points section tends to become the most disorganized. When creating a client’s bullet points section, you must approach it from the standpoint of the customer and write what you would want to see.

How would you like to be informed about the characteristics and advantages of the product as a consumer?

It goes without saying that you would want the most important features and advantages to be shown first. You wouldn’t have to spend the time and effort reading through the bullet points to discover the key feature and advantage of the product.

This is an example of an Amazon product listing with clear bullet points.

You need to arrange your bullet points in a hierarchical manner keeping that in mind. You should start your bullet point list with the most important product feature. That needs to catch a customer’s eye so they will either convert based on the main feature or stay on your product page to see what else it has to offer.

How To Know If An Amazon Product Listing Is Clear?

The key to creating a clear listing is to keep the language straightforward. It’s simple to feel the need to use fancy language to impress the customer, but the customer isn’t there to be impressed by your proficiency with the language. You must make it as simple as possible for them to read and quickly understand your listing because they are there to determine whether your product answers their problem.

You’ll be more likely to find mistakes if you read your product listing aloud rather than mentally. Additionally, it will be simpler to spot sentences that sound strange or don’t make sense in the context of the listing copy.

How Do I Know When To Update My Amazon Product Page?

Examining your data is the best approach to determine when your Amazon product page needs to be refreshed. Performance on your Amazon product page comes down to a particular set of measures. You can use these stats to identify which product details page needs to be updated.

  • Search Query Performance Dashboard
  • Brand Metrics
  • Return Rate
Search Query Performance Dashboard (SQPD) Metrics

The way that marketers access their Amazon performance data has been transformed by the relatively new analytics tool known as the Search Query Performance Dashboard.

When compared to impressions and market share, a low click-through rate is one of the SQDP indicators that your listing needs to be updated. Although your products are receiving a lot of attention, customers aren’t clicking on your listing.

You should in this case evaluate your primary image and title because they have an effect on click-through rates.

Brand Metrics

Your account’s advertising area contains your brand metrics. Although brand metrics include a number of different data points, just one of them-the customer conversion rate-is a reliable indicator of how well your listing is performing.

Customer conversion rates differ depending on the category in which you sell, thus it’s critical to understand and use the average customer conversion rate for your category as a benchmark.

There is an issue with your product page if your conversion rate is much lower than the category average. Additionally, if your client conversion rate is poor in comparison to your sessions and clicks, your listing isn’t working well.

Return Rate

Just because you convert a customer doesn’t mean the deal is done. For various reasons, a client might occasionally return a goods.

Even while returns are expected, a high number of them suggests that the product isn’t living up to customers’ expectations and that the product page needs to be updated.

If your returns are being processed with the excuses “Not as described,” “Not the appropriate color,” or “Inaccurate sizing,” then your product page is misrepresenting your goods to the customer. You can improve your listing by using the client feedback you receive during returns.

Consider a scenario in which size is the primary cause of returns. In that situation, you can redesign your product’s presentation and sizing, perhaps with an updated garment size chart.