Want to Get (and Stay) Ahead of Your Competitors on Amazon? Here’s what Amazon agencies do and when you should hire one.

It’s no secret that Amazon’s marketplace is growing at a very fast rate.

In the third quarter of 2021, Amazon made about 110.81 billion dollars in net sales, which was more than the 96.15 billion dollars it made in the same quarter of 2020.

With pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you can reach more than 300 million customers around the world. This means that brands and sellers can use Amazon ads to get their products in front of potential Amazon shoppers, make more money, and grow their businesses.

The only bad thing is that Amazon sales are growing at a rate that has never been seen before, which means that more and more businesses are selling full catalogs of products and competing for customers’ attention. On an eCommerce platform with so much competition, it’s not just important for businesses and sellers to have effective advertising; it’s the only way to stay ahead of the competition.

Even if you pay thousands of dollars for PPC campaign management, that doesn’t mean you’ll be successful on Amazon. You need a complete plan and a lot of experience and knowledge.

Because of this, most successful brands hire an Amazon agency as they grow.

Amazon PPC – Driving Profitability in the Amazon Marketplace

To compete on Amazon, you need more than just a strategy for organic search engine optimization (SEO). You need a well-run PPC campaign to get more customers, make more sales, and stay ahead of the competition.

An Amazon PPC agency builds and optimizes your campaigns by using a wide range of PPC tools and strategies to help you reach your unique business goals.

An Amazon account management service that knows how to do things right shouldn’t give every brand and seller the same plan. Find an Amazon PPC agency that can help you figure out EXACTLY what works for your brand and you.

Even though there is more to Amazon advertising than pay-per-click, Amazon experts usually focus on optimizing the three most important types of Amazon ads:

Sponsored Product Ads: Sponsored Product Ads make product listings on Amazon more visible by showing up in relevant search results and on product detail pages. The higher your bid, the more likely it is that your ad will show up when a shopper’s search query matches it.

Sponsored Brand Ads: Sponsored Brand Ads show up on relevant search results pages and some product detail pages. They have a custom headline, your brand logo, and a few of your products. If you have a large portfolio of products that work well together, SBAs are a great way to boost product visibility and sales.

Sponsored Display Ads: If you want to reach customers both on and off Amazon, Sponsored Display Ads might be the right choice for you. With SDAs, you can target people who are like your ideal customer or reach out to people who have already bought your products.

What Is Amazon PPC Management?

What does it mean when we talk about managing an Amazon PPC campaign?

Usually, an Amazon marketing agency would oversee and manage a brand’s PPC campaign strategy and ad spend to increase sales and improve business results.

Agencies like KTG Management help you get the most out of your Amazon marketing efforts by doing more than just managing how much you spend on ads. They make sure that your ad campaign is working as well as it can by using tried-and-true methods to raise brand awareness and drive sales through the roof.

Some of the services an Amazon PPC agency offers are…

Searching for and finding keywords

Structure of the campaign and improving targeting

PPC ad bid adjustment and budget management

Trends and seasonality are watched and optimized in the market.

Tracking and analyzing a campaign

Experts in ads can give you professional advice and key insights.

5 Good Reasons to Use an Amazon PPC Management Agency

Many people have the incorrect impression that advertising on Amazon is easy. There are millions of sellers all vying for customers’ attention and resources.

Spending a lot of money on ads is no guarantee of success if you want to expand your customer base and boost your bottom line. Your advertising efforts on Amazon are unlikely to be fruitful if you don’t have a solid Amazon PPC strategy in place. There’s a chance you’ll put in a lot of effort and resources without seeing much of a payoff in terms of either time or money (ROI).

This is why, regardless of their ultimate objectives, many Amazon sellers opt to work with a professional Amazon PPC management firm.

If you’re having trouble making a dent in the Amazon market, a PPC firm can help.

Set clear and achievable advertising objectives

Establish a well-structured marketing strategy that meets your organization’s requirements.

Get greater outcomes with your market budget

Obtain a favorable return on ad spend (RoAS)

Increase sales and earnings

Concentrate on other significant business activities

You may question, “What do Amazon PPC agencies and consultants do differently? Or, what makes hiring a PPC management agency unique?”

Here is the pertinent information. Experts in Amazon PPC management have a vast array of potent tools, as well as industry knowledge and connections, to assist you in achieving your advertising objectives.

At KTG, we’ve built unique systems and techniques to handle sellers’ advertising difficulties and surpass what they can accomplish on their own. Additionally, we have access to beta programs, training, and other insider information that allows us to keep our clients ahead of the competition.

If you are considering employing an Amazon marketing agency, here are a few ways that experience and access might benefit your organization.

1. Eliminate Wasted Ad Spend Through In-Depth Keyword Research and Analysis

You want to place your advertisements in front of buyers who are actively searching for your product. A click that does not result in a sale is a waste of money.

Your keyword strategy is crucial for this reason.

Amazon sponsored advertising should contain relevant keywords and be optimized with the optimal keyword match type (wide match, exact match, or phrase match) to increase ad delivery and expenditure.

Amazon PPC professionals, such as those at KTG Solutions, help you find the best- and worst-performing keywords and establish an effective keyword bidding plan aimed to decrease wasted ad spend through an in-depth keyword research and optimization process.

Use Negative Keyword Match to Boost Advertising RoAS

Negative matching irrelevant keywords is crucial for increasing ad spend return (RoAS).

If you don’t use negative keywords, you’re probably paying for clicks that will never result in a sale. Amazon does not want your advertisements to be seen to unqualified buyers. Nor should you, either.

Negative keywords instruct Amazon to exclude your adverts from product searches containing the specified terms or keywords. For instance, if you are a shoe firm that offers solely men’s shoes, you would want to include “women’s shoes” as a negative keyword so that you do not waste ad spend on irrelevant searches.

Create a Winning Amazon PPC Bidding Strategy to Boost Profits

Tuning up your bidding approach is like giving your car a new engine.

Making sure everything is functioning properly takes time, knowledge, and regular inspections. In addition, failure to act will lead to difficulties.

Amazon’s advertising experts can serve as your go-to auto mechanic. They know how PPC advertising really works and can help you analyze your bidding strategy objectively.

I was wondering what your typical cost per click was. In your auctions, do you use dynamic or static bidding? Have you checked to make sure you’re competing for the proper keywords? Is there anything else you may be doing differently to increase your number of cheap conversions?

KTG Solutions will analyze your campaigns thoroughly to find any engineering problems, and then we’ll adjust your bids so that you make the most money possible.

Competitive Analysis Will Keep You Ahead of the Competition
Competitive analysis is the process of identifying what your competitors are doing well and determining how your Amazon firm can accomplish the same thing better.

If done correctly, competitive landscape analysis should show…

Your principal paid search competitors

What they are doing to be successful

How active should your advertising strategy be to remain competitive?

For instance, you may need to determine whether to compete directly by bidding on the same terms as your competitors or whether to target queries that your competitors are overlooking.

By carefully examining your own records, you may determine which queries are frequently used, which keywords perform well, and which keywords may be neglected. You will have a clearer understanding of search traffic, keyword rankings, and ad placement.

Combining this Amazon marketing knowledge with research on your leading competitors will disclose the opportunities for which you can capitalize. This process can be complex and time-consuming, which is an issue.

Therefore, many firms employ an Amazon PPC manager to monitor the competition and maintain a competitive advantage.

They will assist you in tracking your Amazon SEO, ranking for high-volume keywords that your competitors are not using, increasing your overall return on ad spend (ROAS), and boosting your sales.

Analyze Amazon advertising campaigns to boost performance over time

How many times has your goods been left in a shopping cart and then abandoned? Did numerous clicks result in sales? How many brand-new purchases were made? Moreover, who would want to track all of that?

Few individuals desire to spend their days staring at spreadsheets (aside from geeks like us). Analyzing the success of your product and Amazon PPC ads is a time-consuming but vital step toward achieving better outcomes.

Amazon PPC managers examine their clients’ pay-per-click (PPC) ads at the keyword, product, ad group, and campaign levels to identify crucial data related to…

Sales and performance of advertised products

Ad performance by keyword

Performance of different ad placements

In addition, they will monitor and analyze campaign performance and advertising costs over time, as well as determine how ad adjustments affect sales and profitability.

KTG Solutions delivers a complete reporting dashboard to simplify campaign performance analysis and success measurement. Not only does this make it easier for us to categorize and analyse the data, but it also enables our clients to see precisely what is occurring within their campaigns.

Who Should Utilize Amazon PPC Management Services?

One of the primary reasons that an Amazon seller does not use an Amazon marketing firm is cost. Most businesses are concerned about the higher costs associated with using Amazon marketing services.

When you consider wasted ad spend, lost prospective consumers, and the significant time investment associated with PPC management, the entire cost will outweigh the expense of hiring a professional.

A huge corporation is not required to hire an Amazon PPC agency. Agencies are used by a wide range of businesses, including:
Organizations that are looking to achieve significant marketing results within a short period

Marketers who are new to digital marketing or online advertising

Startups that don’t have the staff strength to manage PPC campaigns effectively

Brands that don’t have an internal digital marketing or advertising team

Corporations that prefer to focus on their core competencies and other business operations

Established e-commerce brands that are interested in successfully launching on Amazon

Managing Pay-Per-Click Ads on Amazon: What’s Next?
To maximize the results of your Amazon PPC campaigns, it is recommended that you work with a professional. Working with an Amazon advertising agency will allow you to take full advantage of Amazon’s powerful advertising capabilities while also optimizing your ad campaigns, lowering your advertising cost of sales (ACoS), and increasing your return on investment (ROI).

You must use Amazon advertising management if you are selling on Amazon.

KTG Solutions is able to work with you to develop a strategy that meets your specific company’s objectives. Together, we can maximize the benefits of your Amazon advertising.

Ready to Grow Your Amazon Business?